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File Panels

Function Keys







File Panels

Navigation bar

This bar is used to navigate through the file system. The active panels directory is coloured blue, the inactive grey. (In this example, the left panel with c:\timidity++ is inactive) The yellow container with \ brings you back to the [drives] root directory, for c:\timidity++, that would be c:\. When clicking the directory up you go into the parent directory (one closer to root). Under Windows, you can click drive icon to change the drive's letter.

File panels

The file panels shows you the files and sub-directories of the directory you are currently in. The Name field shows the name of the file or the sub-directory, the Ext shows the file's extension, Size shows the how big the file is in byte (directories are identified by a <DIR> instead of the size), the Date shows the date on which this file was last changed, the Attr row shows the attributs of the file. The file attributes for Windows are: s = system, h = hidden, a = archive when updating the backup and r = read only.
The first item in both lists it a grey box whose name is two dots. This is neither a file nor a directory, but a link to the parent directory - it does the same as clicking directory up on the navigation bar.

Status bar

The status bar shows how many files you have selected and how many files are in the current directory (sub-directories are included in both counts, as well as the pseudo-directory with the two dots). Also, the size of all selected files together is shown.

Command prompt

The white field at the bottom is the command prompt. It works the same way as an external command line window opened in the active panel's directory.