Atol TODO list
- better stability on Linux
- better progress dialog (calculate elapsed/total/remaining
time, speed, ...)
- more archiver plugins (.arj, portable .tar
with writing support, .rar, ...)
- monitoring directory changes
(porting Win code version, writing Linux version)
- fast file viewer
(text, bin, hex mode - porting existing code)
- water drop effect
on the splash screen (porting existing code)
- support for GUI
colors/fonts changing
- configurable sounds for different events
- translations to multiple
- file list ctrl: behave as in NC ('Insert' for selection,
- file hash calculation (porting existing
MFC code)
- multiple file rename
- directory synchronization
- shell integration (show shell menu for given
file selection - Windows only? - port
existing code)
- vfs_net (browse LAN shares - using
SMB on Linux)
- vfs_ftp (porting existing
MFC code)
- vfs_sftp (porting existing MFC code)
- site manager dialog - FTP/SFTP
sites list (porting existing MFC code)
- drag and drop support
- file operations in background
(multiple operations in the
same time)
- full 64-bit file size support
(write our wxFile64 class
or test wx2.5.0 if support is
already there)
- autodetect new versions and
update over network (porting
existing MFC code)
- directory
change monitoring (porting Win version, writing Linux version)
- Mac OSX port
- secure file delete
- wiping HDD contents
- image viewer integration (thumbnail
in file list,
image browsing in other panel)