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Compilation instructions


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Compilation instructions

Compiling Atol

Compiling the plugins


Compiling Atol

-------------------------- CODE -------------------------------------
// [re]create the text control wrapping the HWND we got
if ( m_textCtrl )
delete m_textCtrl;

HWND hWnd = ListView_GetEditControl(GetHwnd());
m_textCtrl = (wxTextCtrl *)CLASSINFO(wxTextCtrl)->CreateObject();
m_textCtrl- >SetParent(this);

// we must disallow TABbing away from the control while the edit contol is
// shown because this leaves it in some strange state (just try removing
// this line and then pressing TAB while editing an item in listctrl
// inside a panel)
m_textCtrl->SetWindowStyle(m_textCtrl->GetWindowStyle() | wxTE_PROCESS_TAB);
-------------------------- CODE -------------------------------------

c) delete similar code in EditLabel() function (starting with "if (m_textCtrl )" until, but not including line "return m_textCtrl")

3. Windows compilation:

Visual C++
a) unpack wxWindows source code to the C:wxWindows (do not leave version part of directory name)
b) patch wxWindow code, see above
c) build wxWindows: open /src/wxWindows.dsw file in Visual C++ and compile it
d) copy "includewxmswsetup0.h" to "includewxsetup.h" if target file doesn't already exist
e) unpack Atol source code, start the /_win/Atol.dsw file and compile it

- currently not supported

3. Linux compilation:

Requirements: Gnome/gtk installed, gcc compiler

a) you must be logged as root
b) unpack wxWindows source code (and patch it, see above)
c) build it and install: "./configure --with-gtk --enable-gtk2 --disable-shared", "make", "make install"
d) unpack Atol source code
e) edit its makefile (inside /_unix/ subdir): set variables for wxWindows source path etc.
f) type: make


Compiling the plugins

  • Bz2Lib (handles .bz and .bz2 archives - reading only)
    This plugin is portable to both Linux and Windows
    • Windows compilation
      Open Bz2Lib.dsw file in Visual C++ and compile
    • Linux compilation
      First compile bzip2 library by typing "make" in "src/Bz2Lib/bzip2" directory
      Then compile Bz2Lib plugin by typing "make" in "src/Bz2Lib" directory
  • GzLib (handles .gz archive - reading only)
    This plugin is portable to both Linux and Windows
    • Windows compilation
      Open GzLib.dsw file in Visual C++ and compile
    • Linux compilation
      First compile zlib library by typing "make" in "src/GzLib/zlib" directory
      Then compile GzLib plugin by typing "make" in "src/GzLib" directory
  • ZLib (handles .Z archive - reading only)
    This plugin is portable to both Linux and Windows
    • Windows compilation
      Open ZLib.dsw file in Visual C++ and compile
    • Linux compilation
      Compile Zlib library by typing "make" in "src/ZLib" directory
  • ZipLib (handles .zip archive - both reading and writing)
    This plugin is portable to both Linux and Windows
    • Windows compilation
      First go to the "src/ZipLib/ZipArchive" and execute "_copy_from_Win-STL.bat"
      Then open ZipLib.dsw file in Visual C++ and compile
    • Linux compilation
      First go to the "src/ZipLib/ZipArchive" and execute "_copy_from_Linux-STL.sh"
      Next compile ZipArchive library by typing "make" in "src/ZipLib/ZipArchive" directory
      Finally compile ZipLib plugin by typing "make" in "src/ZipArchive" directory
  • TarLib (handles .tar archive - reading only)
    This plugin is currently working at Windows only.
    • Windows compilation
      Open TarLib.dsw file in Visual C++ and compile